I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
Lesson 2: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective:
know words used in adding
add by partitioning into ‘5 and a bit’
recombine the numbers.
Mental Warm Up:
Sit with children you do not normally work with. On your table is a pen and a big piece of paper. The leader is in charge of the pen.
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to continue with our ‘5 and a bit’ work and use it to help us with addition.
Educational Challenges
Work in threes.Take it in turns to throw the dice. Total the three throws using the ‘5 and a bit’ strategy.
Work in pairs. Practise adding number sentences using the ‘5 and a bit’ strategy.
Work in pairs. Practise adding number sentences using the ‘5 and a bit’ strategy.
Lesson 3: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective:
add and know the words which are used when adding
add teens numbers
understand that adding can be done in any order
use patterns of similar calculations.
Mental Warm Up:
My friend and I each have some money. Together we have 20p. How much could we each have?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to be adding teens numbers together.
Educational Challenges
Add teens numbers together. Use the numbers 11–15. Break into tens and units.
Add teens numbers together. Break into tens and units.
Add larger teens numbers together. Break into tens and units.
Lesson 2: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective:
solve money word problems
recognise and use different value coins
select the right coins to pay.
Mental Warm Up:
Make these circles into coins.
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to show which coins we could use to pay for our items.
Educational Challenges
Choose two items from the café menu. Which coins could you use to pay for your choices? Could you use fewer coins?
Choose two items from the café menu. Use coins to make up the totals.
Choose two items from the café menu. Which coins could you use to pay for your choices?
Lesson 1: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective:
select and use the right calculation
check our calculations
solve money word problems
find totals.
Mental Warm Up:
Anya has two coins of the same value. What are the possible amounts of money that she could have?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to be working on finding totals and checking calculations.
Educational Challenges
Choose a drink and another item from the café menu. Choose four possible options. How much would you spend each time?
Choose four different options from the café menu. What is the most and least you could spend?
Lesson 5: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective:
add and use words to do with adding
add a teens number to a two-digit number
partition into ‘10 and a bit’
understand that addition can be carried out in any order
find pairs of numbers that make a given total
use patterns of similar calculations.
Mental Warm Up:
Play ‘Add the Throw’
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to continue our work on adding teens numbers to a two-digit number.
Educational Challenges
Find pairs of numbers that total 49.
Lesson 4: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective:
use the words to describe adding
partition into ‘10 and a bit’
know adding can be done in any order
use patterns of similar calculations.
Mental Warm Up:
Sit in a circle. You will be given a number card 1–19. Put it in front of you. Let everyone see your card.Can you see whose card added to yours would make 20? Put up your hand. Tell me who has the card you need. What number is on it?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to be adding a teens number to a two-digit number by breaking them up into tens and ones.
Educational Challenges
Practise adding a two-digit number and a teens number. Make up some number sentences of your own.
Sort number sentence cards into those which are correct and those which are wrong, using base 10 apparatus.
Practise adding a two-digit number and a teens number. Make up some number sentences of your own.
Lesson 3: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective:
choose and use correct calculations
check calculations
solve money word problems
find totals and give change.
Mental Warm Up:
What are the different ways I could pay?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to calculate totals and how much change we would need from 50p.
Educational Challenges
Each person must choose two items from the café menu. Who would get the most change from 50p?
If you had 50p to spend on any two items, what would you choose to give you the most change and the least change?
What two items from the café would you have to buy to get exactly 10p change?
Lesson 5: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective:
make decisions and check calculations
solve money problems
use the appropriate number operation.
Mental Warm Up:
I buy two items that come to a total of 20p. How much could each of the items have cost? Write your answers as addition sentences.
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to solve some money problems.
Educational Challenges
Choose two items from the café menu. Put the combinations under headings – ‘Less than 30p’ and ‘More than 30p’.
Find two items that cost a total of 37p, 46p, 47p, 48p and 56p.
Make up some prices for a friend to match to items on the café menu.
Lesson 5: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective:
recognise and describe how to turn things
recognise half and quarter turns to the left or right
understand the terms clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Mental Warm Up:
What do we know about the number 10? How many ideas about 10 do you have?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to learn about things that turn and the different turning movements that are possible.
Educational Challenges
Make four identical tiles. Turn them to make a pattern. Use quarter turns. Describe your pattern.
Make four identical tiles. Turn them to make a pattern.
Test Your Spelling Skills
Read > Cover > Write > Check > Correct
No. 2 – Numbers 1-20
To improve your spelling, read a word, cover it with your hand, then write it on the first line. Check your spelling. If it’s wrong, write it out again on the second line:
Example words
one _________________ _________________
two _________________ _________________
three _________________ _________________
four _________________ _________________
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about counting and properties of numbers. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by an interactive fun whole class learning session. The lesson finishes with a set of differentiated learning challenges for the students to complete.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
investigate number problems and puzzles
explain methods, reasoning and relationships.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
devise and continue a number pattern
describe a pattern.
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise and continue or complete number patterns
describe a pattern or rule
devise a number pattern
recognise odd and even numbers.
Educational Challenges Complete number sequences.
Try making number sequences using big numbers for a friend to complete.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
recognise a pattern
explain what we did.
Lesson 4: Week 4
Title Money
Learning Objective:
check calculations
say what each coin is
solve money problems.
Mental Warm Up:
Find two items that would cost more than 30p in total.
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to be finding different ways of making an amount of money.
Educational Challenges
Get into pairs with someone from a different maths group.
Find different ways to make 50p.
Use only silver coins.
Record as a ‘spider chart’.
Are you wanting to teach or revise addition and subtraction with your class or at home? Then this is a wonderful set of teaching resources - whole lessons, which will help you do this. Try it today!
Are you looking for spell checking activities? Here some fun look, say, spell check writing activities and also a nice presentation about how to spot common mistakes in written English.
These five complete PowerPoint lessons help to teach a student about division and multiplication. Each of the lessons starts with a mental warm up. This is followed by a fun, interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with fun, differentiated learning challenges.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: multiply and divide numbers
use multiplication and division vocabulary
multiply and divide by 10
find unknown numbers.
Lesson 2: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: complete multiplication and division problems
use multiplication and division vocabulary
multiply up to 5 x 5
know our 2, 5 and 10 times-table facts
use a symbol to stand for an unknown.
Lesson 3: Week 10
Title Multiplication and Division, Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems
Learning Objective: multiply and divide
use multiplication and division vocabulary
know multiplication is repeated addition
know simple multiplication and division facts
recognise coins and solve money problems.
Lesson 4: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: multiply
use multiplication vocabulary
check results
solve money problems
choose the correct way to answer a question.
Lesson 5: Week 10
Title Understanding Multiplication and Division
Learning Objective: understand multiplication
understand words about multiplication
check results by adding in a different order
solve money problems
choose the correct number operation.
These five complete PowerPoint lessons focus on capacity, shape and space. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up activity. This is followed by a main, whole class learning session. The lessons end with a differentiated learning challenge.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 2: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 3: Week 5
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve problems
use words about capacity
know relationships between units
estimate, measure and compare capacity.
Lesson 4: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: use words for direction and movement
recognise quarter, half and whole turns
know that a quarter turn is a right angle
give instructions.
Lesson 5: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: understand that a quarter turn is a right angle
recognise a right angle
give instructions
describe the position of an object.
These five full PowerPoint lessons focus on addition, subtraction, and mental calculation methods. The lessons start with a mental warm up lesson. This is followed by a fun interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with interesting, differentiated learning challenges for the the students.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 3
Title Addition and Subtraction, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: add
know what near doubles are
use doubles to solve near double problems.
Lesson 2: Week 3
Title Understanding Subtraction, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: subtract
take a one-digit number away from a multiple of 10
remember our number bonds.
Lesson 3: Week 3
Title Understanding Subtraction, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: add and subtract
add a one-digit number to a teens number.
Lesson 4: Week 3
Title Understanding Addition and Subtraction
Learning Objective: more ways to add and subtract
to subtract a one-digit number from a number 20 to 28, crossing the 20 boundary.
Lesson 5: Week 3
Title Understanding Subtraction, Mental Calculation Strategies
Learning Objective: subtract
subtract a teens number from a two-digit number
find unknowns.